Monday, February 27, 2017

How Can I Train My New Puppy To Stop Biting?

It is important to start training your puppy well before he reaches the age of 4 months. If your dog has a nipping and biting habit it should be resolved with the help of proper training techniques and certain commands well before he reaches this age. But if your training fails to yield the desired results or if you have adopted a puppy that is almost 4 months old or older, then you can use the tips mentioned here to help you to train him and get him to stop biting and nipping at your hand. You may need to purchase some dog supplies online for your new puppy, such as elevated dog feeders or cheap dog crates that will aid in training.
The first thing that you need to do if your dog has a nipping and biting problem is stop all play which includes even traces of hostility. The usual games to avoid would be tug of war and wrestling. Most pet owners enjoy indulging in these games with their puppies but if your pet has the tendency to nip and bite your hand you will only encourage him by playing games that include rough housing. He will feel that his behavior is acceptable.
Generally most young puppies that are teething will tend to nibble at your hand which is acceptable given their young age. But once your dog grows up you don’t want to make any exceptions and you shouldn’t tolerate any nips or bites at all. Even if you feel that your dog didn’t mean to hurt you or is just play biting, you should immediately pull your hand away and give him a firm command to stop.
If your dog still continues with his nipping habit you may want to use measures that may shock him out of his habit. No I certainly am not recommending the use of torture devices such as shock collars but a squirt gun or bottle should work wonders. The moment your dog nibbles on your hand just squirt some water on his head or body this will shock him enough to make him stop. Eventually he will learn that every time he bites, you will use the squirt gun so he stops doing it.
Finally never take a biting or nipping incident lightly and laugh it off. These incidents merit firm disciplinary commands. Regardless of your dog’s age if you feel him bite or nip you immediately take a firm stance and in a loud voice say “no biting”. There are only two things that you need to remember here, the first is once you command your dog to stop don’t stare into his eyes for two long because he will think that you are challenging him. Also make sure that you don’t yell too loudly because you may scare your pup and fear is never a good training technique
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