Monday, February 27, 2017

Need To Train Your Gun Dogs ? Try Innotek Dog Training Collars

Today, we are learning more and more about training hunting dogs using the relatively new technology called electronic shock collars. These collars have changed the way that working dogs are trained, especially hunting dogs.
One of the greatest values these collars give to the trainer is the increase of interaction between the trainer and the dog. They allow for remote training, without a traditional leash, which greatly increases the options a trainer has in training a working or hunting dog. Let’s look at why these collars are so effective.
The main components of electronic training collars are transmitters and receivers. The transmitter is completely controlled by the trainer while the receiver is easily worn in a specially designed collar by the dog. For the trainer, correcting a dog whether at home, during a show or while your dog is hunting is done through sending a signal that issues a small electrical jolt to your dog. Before you become concerned let us put your mind at ease – these corrections do not cause pain to your dog, they merely provide a distraction so that your dog can be quickly corrected. It’s been well documented that those who use these electronic methods of training their dogs have had great success in training their dogs at a quicker pace and that the dog remembers the training for longer periods of time than other training methods.
When you are searching for an effective electronic training collar for your dog, you want one that is reliable and safe. Innotek is the premier electronic dog training collar supplier. Whether you need a backyard system that allows you to train more than one dog or you want a simple system to train your pet at home, Innotek has a product that will meet your needs.
Durability is a great trait of Innotek brand products, and you can also expec high quality which is guaranteed by the way of the best components. With the Innotek Ultra Smart Training collar, you can choose from 15 levels of stimulation, which will allow you to train more than one dog. It is also equipped with sounds in conjunction with electronic stimulation as a reminder for your dog.
Innotek UltraSmart training collars provide the best value through the IUT 300 series. This system is ideal for those who need to train two dogs at a time for field training or even show training where your dog needs to be able to be a reasonable distance from you. These collars work up to 300 yards away and still allow you to correct your dog with either the sound or electronic correction.
The IUT300 offers a number of features that are not available in any other collar including self diagnosis, electronic fit testing, battery strength display, a built in receiver and lithium ion technology that is not found in any other collar. In addition, the nine stimulation levels make this collar one of the most versatile for those owners who want the control of both electronic and sound correction.
If you are concerned about your dog’s hair being too long, the system also offers extra long probes, and there are some extras that you will not find in any other system including lanyards, test lights, and instructional DVD’s. Innotek is committed to ensuring that you and your dog are getting the most from their product when you select them to train your dog.
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